We are Emirates Global Aluminium

Together, innovating aluminium to make modern life possible. Together, innovating aluminium to make modern.

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In the gas-guzzling 1970s the average car only contained about 35 kilograms of light-weight aluminium, and a lot of other materials like steel. Experts expect the average car to contain 250 kilograms of aluminium by 2025.

Emirates Global Aluminium has exported aluminium for international car-makers for decades. Today local companies are making parts for some of the most famous global car brands using our metal here in the UAE.

Aluminium is recyclable, meaning the environmental impact of a car made with the metal is also lower when it stops being a car.

In the transport sector, by light-weighting vehicles from electric cars to planes to make them more energy efficient while maintaining their strength and safety. Aluminium is also an important component in mass transit systems, displacing personal transport.

In the construction sector, improving the energy performance of buildings, particularly windows, curtain walls and facades. Increased use of aluminium also means more of a building can be recycled on demolition, reducing the requirement to make new material.

In the energy sector, as a key component of renewable energy technologies (especially solar photovoltaics and wind), energy storage, and the expanded electricity transmission grids required for electrification to displace hydrocarbons.

In the packaging sector, both as highly efficient packaging that uses very little material to provide the barrier to moisture and contamination required, and as a recyclable material to displace single-use plastics.

How does our aluminium make modern life possible?


EGA’s aluminium is used in the building and infrastructure of global cities.

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EGA’s aluminium is used in planes we fly in.

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EGA’s aluminium is used in cars we drive everyday.

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EGA’s aluminium is used in packaging that keeps food and drink we love fresher for longer.

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EGA’s aluminium is used in electronics that make the world a smaller place.

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